October Intentions: Make Myself Proud

My monthly goal this October: Make Myself Proud. 

Monthly Goal by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Pearls and Twirls: image of a woman standing in a field of yellow flowers and wearing a Free People Sweet Surrender Denim Mini Dress and felt fedora hat.

90 days left in 2020. How. Did. That. Happen?! Anyone else feel a little weirded out by how slow but fast this year is going by?! The past 3 months have been especially out of the ordinary for us, so I’ve been a little all over the place. But as I was looking ahead to October and planning ahead for all the exciting things to come, and trying to figure out how I’m going to do it all, I just made is super simple. Thanks to last month’s intention, to simplify,I reminded myself that I tend to overthink & overwork! So for October, my only intention is to end my days feeling proud of what I accomplished.

Monthly Goal by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Pearls and Twirls: image of a woman standing in a field of yellow flowers and wearing a Free People Sweet Surrender Denim Mini Dress and felt fedora hat.

How Do You Make Yourself Proud?

I want to make sure I’m proud of my work, proud of how I spent my time, proud of how my day went. Simple as that. How many times do you ask yourself, what the heck did I even do today?! Let’s leave those behind us and start being aware of how we feel at the end of the day. It’s really as simple as that. Anytime I’m feeling down, I do something to pick myself up and move on. If I’m feeling distracted or unproductive I put my phone away for a little bit. Anytime I’m wanting to not finish the task, I suck it up and finish it. It’s really simple and it feels really dang good!

So here’s to a freaking fab October. I’m so excited for what this month has in store! I’ll be over here not worrying about the to-do’s, not cramming my days full of all the things, not scrolling social media. But I will be gettin’ it done and making myself proud each day. I also am still living by last month’s intention of simplifying. It has been SO helpful for me to re-read my own tips to not get overwhelmed, so if you need that, check that post out and bookmark it! Let’s make the end of 2020 amazing!

Monthly Goal by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Pearls and Twirls: image of a woman standing in a field of yellow flowers and wearing a Free People Sweet Surrender Denim Mini Dress and felt fedora hat and holding a bouquet of various pink flowers.

Free People Dress via Nuuly (get $10 off your Nuuly rental here!)

Photos via Kelsey Shea Photo

Do you have a monthly goal?  Let me know in a comment below!