Holy crap you guys, this entire month has been a blur it’s flown by so fast! I literally can’t remember a time that my days have been so jam packed or a time that I’ve been living so unorganized and I’m pretty sure I’ve never been able to just let things go like I have been lately. I love this little blog so much – and don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere – but after a series of strange events (memory cards not working, losing a tripod and breaking my remote) I just haven’t been able to take outfit pictures as much as usual so I’ve forced myself to just let go and take a little break. I plan to take the rest of this week easy and come back on Monday fully refreshed and with lots of great outfit inspiration for you guys!
And in the spirit of getting inspired I think I may just need an adventure this weekend…because why not?!
Thanks for hanging in there with me! {Find these quotes and more on my Words of Wisdom Pinterest board}