Top 5 Lifestyle Subscription Boxes to Try

Since quarantine my online ordering has definitely spiked! For things like groceries, razors, coffee, wine and more! Seriously! If I can order it online and not have to go out of my house and mask up, I’m ordering it online! Which has lead me to try out quite a few lifestyle subscription boxes, which I am realizing there are so many more benefits to them than I imagined.

I’m wondering what else I need to be putting on subscription or on auto ship! Before this I never really thought they were worth the time or money, or thought they’d be more of a hassle than anything, but I’m officially a believer! Today I’m sharing my top 5 lifestyle subscription boxes/services that I’ve tried and LOVED!

Top 5 Lifestyle Subscription Boxes to Try featured by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Pearls and Twirls: HelloFresh

Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh was one of the first ones we tried. I was getting sick of literally cooking dinner every single night and when you’re trying to minimize your grocery store trips it’s actually SO hard to try new recipes and plan 14 dinners at a time ha! So enter Hello Fresh! It’s a full meal for 2, comes perfectly portioned out, with the exact ingredients you need for that dinner. They usually take around 30-40 mins to make and they’re actually very yummy! Jared even approves! It’s a win-win! You can try your first box with my link and get $40 off! That’s what we did and loved that first box so much we’re still ordering!

Billie Razor

Ok, never did I think I’d be ordering my razors online but these Billie razors are the bomb! They have an auto ship on the blade refills! Who else is guilty of using that razor blade way too long and forgetting to grab them at the store?! Now I love that they just come to me without having to even log in and order them. But let’s talk about the actual razor – it’s actually a great razor and gives you an amazing, close, smooth shave and they’re so much more inexpensive than the venus ones you’re probably buying at the store! Billie is putting an end to the “pink tax” by providing razors and products at a super affordable price and free shipping so that these products are easy for anyone to use! What’s a “pink tax”? “It’s the extra amount women are charged for certain products (*ahem* razors) or services. For no reason. Unless being female is a reason.” That’s straight from Billie. And I’m here for it!

Winc Wine

Winc is a wine subscription box! You get 4 bottles and I actually think it’s a very fun way to try out new types of wine in the comfort of your own home. Way cheaper than trying them out in a restaurant for sure! You plug in what you like and they create suggestions for you, which is fun! But if you want to swap them out, you can do that too. And for some reason just getting a package of wine in the mail is a lot of fun, I highly recommend it! Oh – and you get $22 off your first box too!!

Top 5 Lifestyle Subscription Boxes to Try featured by top Nashville lifestyle blogger, Pearls and Twirls: Winc Wine


So this one isn’t quite a subscription box, but I did decide I needed to put Romeo’s dog food on an Autoship and ya’ll I don’t know why I waited so long to do this!! I’m the one that’s always running to the store because I poured the last bit of dog food out! ha! I know Chewy is a popular place to shop for dog food but they actually didn’t have the food I’ve been feeding Romeo, so I went to where we usually buy it, Petco, and they have an auto ship option! Score! I promptly signed up and I’m actually so excited to never run out of dog food again!


I just ordered my first Nuuly box and I’m SO PUMPED! I’ve been wanting to try it out for a while but honestly just couldn’t quite justify it. Especially since we’re all in quarantine right now and getting dressed just isn’t quite happening like it used to! But I just did a pretty big closet clean out this spring and realized I’m really low on summer dresses and summer tops. I’ve been living in tees and cutoffs! But we’ve got some fun things coming up and honestly I don’t “need” any clothes right now, so I thought this was exactly what I needed! I love wearing dresses in the summer but I honestly usually just wear them one summer season and get rid of them, anyway. Plus this just feels like a way to make all your closet dreams come true for just $88 a month! (If you use my link you’ll get $10 off too!) I’m seriously so excited to get my box in! Would ya’ll like a full Nuuly review once I get my things in and tried on, etc?! Let me know!

So that’s it! My 5 favorite lifestyle subscription boxes I’ve tried during quarantine! Have you tried any new subscription boxes during quarantine? What are your favs?!