5 Things To Start Your Year Off On The Right Foot

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I don’t know about ya’ll but I was pretty ready to say buh bye to 2019. A fresh start of a new year always feels so dang good. The opportunities are endless and the good, bad and wonderful are bound to happen this year and I am here for it! But if you’re not careful, the year will fly by and you’ll be wondering why none of the things you wanted to happen happened?! So I wanted to share what I’m doing so you can join in too! 5 super easy things to start your year off on the right foot.

I’m not going to lie. I worked really hard in 2019. I however did not work very smart. (HA) So practicing work smarter, not harder is a big goal and focus of mine for 2020. I’m getting really specific about my work, my goals, and I’m just putting them all out there this new year and I just have a great feeling about 2020. And these 5 things are what I’m working on this week and they just have me so pumped up about the year!

2020. LETS GO!

5 Things To Start Your Year Off On The Right Foot

Set 3-5 Goals For the Year

These can be small or big goals but I do always love starting off the year with some goals to set me up for success! I have a few things that I definitely want to accomplish this year so I’m writing them down and posting them up in my home office space! Some are fun goals, others are business goals, but I love having something to work towards! Write them down, post them up and look at them every day! This year I did 5 and I may or may not share them. Should I?!

Pick Out One Thing from 2019 That You’d Like to Leave Behind

I’ve never done this before but there are a few things that have been holding me back and I 100000% plan to leave them behind in 2019. It’s easy to pick out a lot of things, but when you pick out just ONE it’s easier to work on and it’s easier to stick to it! Mine? I’m leaving behind not believing in myself. Negative thoughts, telling myself I’m not good enough or that I don’t deserve something, etc. Not anymore. So long negativity!

Start Something New!

If there’s something that you’ve been wanting to try or start – START TODAY! There’s no better time to start a new workout program, start a new business, a blog, etc, then in the new year! Don’t let another year pass where you’re like man I really wish I would have ____. Start it now!


Let go of old things that aren’t serving you or that you don’t need to take into the new year. It can be accounts on social media, clutter that you’ve got sitting around at home, people in your life, etc. In what areas of your life do you need to do a purge? Me? The house! Since life has been so crazy there is so much clutter sitting around. My goal for the month is to just tackle a room a week to clean out! (big closet clean out sale coming soon!)

Pick Out One Thing To Commit to Doing (or not doing) Everyday For the Month of January

Pick one or a couple things that would help you start off the year right and commit to doing it everyday! It’ll help you form or break a habit and get your year started off on the right foot! A few of my favorites…..no spending on anything unnecessary, no drinking, read every single day, exercise every day, journal everyday or work your side hustle everyday for 1 hr per day. Pick one or pick 5 and stick to them for the rest of the month! I’ll be sharing mine soon!

I hope these are helpful for those of you who like to kick off a new year in a new way, but don’t necessarily set resolutions. If you do any of these, let me know! Tag me in your social posts! I seriously would love to hear how you implement if you do! Let’s rock 2020!

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