5 Things My Laptop Crashing Taught Me

Hi friends! I’ve been very MIA this month and I apologize, but sometimes it’s necessary. If you follow along on instagram I’ve been on a rollercoaster with my laptop and I’m FINALLY getting back into the swing of things. WHEW! I feel like my brain has been a jumble without MY computer with MY things on it (passwords, bookmarks, calendars, photos, printer connections etc. etc. etc.)  I’m telling you, it’s been a struggle. BUT, luckily I have a sweet mama who has a laptop she uses for traveling and was so gracious to let me borrow while I was computer-less! So I wasn’t completely without, but it’s still hard when all your things are on the other computer. And for everyone wondering, luckily my hard drive DIDN’T crash like I had thought! Praise! The cable that connects the motherboard to the hard drive went bad. So after a lot of trial, it was just a cable replacement and we’re good to go!

So let’s dive into today’s post. 5 things I learned throughout this process.

Things I learned from my laptop crashing

Things I Learned from my Laptop Crashing


Ya’ll I don’t know why, but I have this complex with taking time to make sure all the things are backed up. I don’t know if my phone’s backed up to iCloud, I don’t backup my lightroom catalog, I’m basically living on a prayer here that nothing bad happens to any of my technology. DUMB. So now that the laptop is back safely in my hands with everything still in tact (thank the good lord!) I’m getting my photog mom, who still gives me that mama look when I tell her I haven’t backed up my catalog, to teach me all the things. I’ll be getting my lightroom catalog backed up and all my photos organized in a crash course by Tamlin Photo this week! I’m hoping to share a recap of all I’ve learned over here too, so if you’re interested in that stay tuned!

It’s OK to Ask for Help

I don’t know how or why I picked up this terrible trait, but I HATE asking for help. I hate asking people to take my photo, I hate asking for favors, I hate asking someone else to do something for me. Personally, I just feel like a very self sufficient woman, so I hate it when I need help. But it’s OK. And most of the time people are happy to help you. I had to ask for a lot of help on things over the past month, but it’s ok.

Stop Worrying So Much About What Everyone Else is Doing

I really try to stay consistent with posting on the blog and on instagram but obviously things have been a little more difficult than usual to get that done. I think consistency is what I’m most hard on myself about. There are girls who crush it at consistency, Louella Reese, The Champagne Edit, Poor Little It Girl, My Style Vita, Alicia Tenise are all some of my favorites to follow that I know will have a new post up when I check. So I often find myself being hard on myself for not being like them. But then I have to remind myself I’m also running another full time business that consists of 2 brick and mortar stores and an online store. Soooo ya know. I can only do what I can do. (Because this girl NEEDS sleep – I envy those who can live off 5 hours sometimes!)

Remember That Things Happen For A Reason

We just made it through probably the craziest 2 weeks at our My Kind of Lovely Knoxville store. Back to school and bid day week. Most people would probably say  WHYY did this have to happen during the busiest time in one of my businesses. But I like to almost see it as a blessing. I was able to not put extra pressure on myself to come home after working 10 hours on my feet in the store just to get a blog post up for the next day. I literally just told myself, “I can’t and I won’t.” It’ll be there when this is over. Sometimes I have a hard time letting those things just go because, it’s a business and ya know, what I said in #3, consistency is key. But still I like to see it as God telling me to take a break. And I listened.

Breaks are OK

We’re living in the age of the HUSTLE and while it’s great and all, and I love the hustle, the hustle is causing serious burnout. And to be completely candid. I’m a little burnt out on blogging. So this break was much needed and so nice. I might have lost my mind otherwise! I’m excited to get my groove back, get back to shooting and get back to sharing. I’ve been feeling a shift in things now more than ever and am just letting God, life and you guys lead me in the right direction for this shift. I’m not real clear on what, how, why, but I’m excited for it! And this little break really has my wheels turning!

While I would never wish anything bad on anyone, and hope your computers never crash! I do hope this post encourages you to look at something you might be going through with different eyes! We can learn something from every bump in the road! Happy Monday, friends!

Things I learned from my laptop crashing

Things I learned from my laptop crashing