Ok ya’ll. I’ve been doing the FASTer Way to Fat Loss pretty consistently for 2 years now. I really can’t believe it’s been that long! I’ve definitely gone through ups and downs with the program, which is just life, but I feel like today I’m a pretty seasoned FWTFL veteran. Which brings me to my latest discussion. Let’s talk real deal. No fluff, just me sharing my truth with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, scroll down for my honest thoughts!
Want to know the real truth about the Faster Way to Fat Loss?
It’s made me more confident in my everyday food choices.
10 out of 10 times when I’m faced with what to eat when I’m outside of my own kitchen, I always reach for whatever is REAL food. Not the lowest calorie count or whatever’s “healthiest” I now look at food in its simplest state and how it will fuel my body.
It’s made me realize you don’t have to go to the gym to workout.
I can roll out of bed and workout in my bedroom if I want. Sometimes I don’t even put on shoes!
It’s made me learn to give myself a break from time to time!
Have the dessert, go out to Mexican and eat the chips, drink the wine with friends and not feel guilt about it.
It’s made me take ownership of my choices.
I think when dieting and working out it’s easy to place the blame outside of us. I know this program works. The only time is doesn’t, is when I don’t give it my whole effort. I choose if this works for me!
It’s made me love this hard working body more than I ever have before.
I could keep going, but these are some of my favorite reasons. I think we all can relate to this picture of health that we have in our heads of what our healthy life should look like. Then when we’re not that 6 am workout, pack your heathy lunch, come home and cook a healthy dinner kind of person we feel like we’re just not that person. When I say I’ve tried it all, I really have tried A LOT. And this program is the real deal. It can be tailored to YOUR lifestyle and what YOU want! Workout whenever/however works for you. Make the kind of food YOU like to eat. And pick and choose what “treats” YOU want to have.
This is not rocket science people! The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program is simple and anyone can do it. AND you have people on the other side of the computer screen cheering you on everyday. If you give it a solid chance, I promise you will see results. If you open up your mind and let it change the way you look at “dieting” and working out it will change your life!
Join me on this next round and let’s get those summer bod’s rockin! When I started 2 years ago I started around this time of year and I had my best summer!! I was more confident in my swimsuit than I’ve EVER been. Do you want to feel better this summer? Start NOW!