How To Be Spontaneous & Productive at the Same Time

Spontaneous and Productive

Dress: Show Me Your Mumu via My Kind of Lovely (On sale!) | Jacket: similar | Shoes: similar on sale! | Basket bag: very similar from Topshop

Ya’ll. One of the last words I would use to describe myself is “control freak” but recently I’ve been realizing that when it comes to me, my schedule, my to-do’s and my routine, I like to be in control. During the week I like to be on my routine and then on the weekends I’m happy with spontaneity. I like to call it “balance” but lately I’ve been realizing when I mess with my weekly routine or weekly schedule I’ve been having a lot of anxiety. Example, last week when I decided to attend a blogging event in Nashville with Lacey and shoot some blog content while there, I hadn’t fully prepared to be gone so I was anxious and a little stressed about being gone from work. Although technically I was still working while there, I was still not able to fully enjoy myself and really focus on the work at hand, worrying about other work and other to-do’s.

So, with all that said, I’ve been trying to work on getting better at being spontaneous yet still productive at the same time. It’s a work in progress. But if you’re a small business owner, blogger, or someone who juggles multiple businesses, hobbies, etc. these are definitely a few things you can benefit from!

Spontaneous and Productive

Tips for being Spontaneous & Productive

  1. Don’t put things off – As I type this, it’s April 10 and I still haven’t done my taxes. I’m forcing myself to get them done before Thursday so that I can mark that off my list of to-dos and not have to worry about them for the weekend. But if I would have just set aside time during a slow week to finish them, that task could have been marked off the list weeks ago!
  2. Learn to work from your phone – Please tell me I’m not the only person who does their best work at the computer?! I literally hate “working” from my phone! Ugh! But when I learned to screen, delete and address non urgent, time consuming emails and tasks from my phone, it made sitting down to my inbox at the computer more productive. Although I hate it, I do think when you have a few free moments at your phone, at least go through a few easy emails.
  3. Work out in the mornings – Basic, I know, but when I work out in the mornings my days seem to go much more as planned with more room for spontaneity and less room for guilt, if something does come up.
  4. Try to stay one step ahead – So when something comes up, you’re not necessarily getting behind, you’re just slowing down a little. (Miss procrastination queen herself, has a hard time with this one!) When you think of it like, you’re helping your future self by staying on top of things and working ahead, it does help. (Batch shooting blog photos with Lacey totally helps with this in the blog/content department!)
  5. Clean up after yourself – I’m often running around, juggling multiple things while also being a little scatterbrained and I always tell myself I’ll come right back to it and clean it up and never do. Picking things up and leaving your space tidy, leaves it leave-able. One less thing you have to do when you get home, get to the office, etc.
  6. Finish what you start – This one kind of circles back to number one. But another thing I’m great at is starting something and never finishing. I tend to be juggling more than one thing at a time while also being easily distracted, this results in starting and not finishing multiple things. So if you’re taking the time to start it. Finish it and mark it off the list and never come back to it! What an awesome feeling to not have that lurking around!


Spontaneous and Productive

Spontaneous and Productive

Spontaneous and Productive

Spontaneous and Productive

Spontaneous and Productive

Shop The Outfit:

Dress: Show Me Your Mumu via My Kind of Lovely (On sale!) | Jacket: similar | Shoes: similar on sale! | Basket bag: very similar from Topshop