One Month Down of the Last 90 Days Challenge

If you follow me on Instagram you’ve seen and heard me talk about my love for Rachel Hollis. If you don’t know her, she is the author of, Girl, Wash Your Face, the book that has taken the world by storm! Seriously it’s been everywhere, and for good reason. It’s amazing and life changing.

She started a Last 90 Days Challenge to challenge people to make better choices, form better habits and finish up the year as intentional as we typically start the new year. I love that because I know I am definitely one to slack at the end of the year and I tell myself, oh, I’ll get it together in the new year. Welp there’s no time like the preset folks! Every second of every day is a chance to turn things around! AND why wait?! What if you could START 2019 already motivated? You could start 2019 a few pounds lighter instead of heavier. You could start 2019 already working on that project you’ve been holding onto forever. Let’s stop waiting and just start whatever it is today!

So motivating right?! Well, I thought I’d share my thoughts and my experience in doing the Last 90 Days challenge since I’m 1 month, well technically 36 days, in. And I’m feeling great. I’ve definitely failed and slipped off more than I’d like to admit, but it’s a new day and a new week and I’m here for it!

Rachel Hollis’ Last 90 Days – 1 Month In

All the challenge is, is she gives you 5 things to do everyday. The 5 to Thrive.

The 5 to Thrive

  1. Get up an hour earlier and spend that time on yourself
  2. Workout for at least 30 mins
  3. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water
  4. Give up one food category you know you shouldn’t be eating
  5. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for

Seemingly simple things that are actually super hard to accomplish them all in one day! At the beginning I tried to just focus on a few things each week but after the first 30 days I feel like I’m getting on the right track. The only thing I’ve really managed to do everyday is give up my one food group. I’ve been saying I need to give up diet cokes foreverrrr and yet there I was still drinking them. I love that this gave me the push to officially give them up!

As for the others I thought I’d share a few tips and things I’m working on….

Get Up Earlier – I’ve found when I actually GET UP all the others just fall into place. With daylight savings time I’m really trying to find that as some motivation to really get up earlier since technically it’s kinda the same time?? ha! When I get up earlier, I workout, I get my gratitude practice in and get a head start on my water. Soooo this is the make or break part for me.

Workout For At Least 30 Minutes – I love that it’s just 30 minutes. If you’re not feeling a full workout, just go for a walk. Move. Get going. This week I’m getting back to my workout game and am scheduling my workouts in my calendar every day this week. Non negotiable workout time. Let’s do it!

Drink Half Your Body Weight in Ounces of Water – This one I can do when I’m intentional about it. I have a giant water bottle and I know if I can drink the whole thing, plus a glass in the morning and a glass at night I’m good for the day. But when I forget my bottle I forget to drink water period! Giving up diet cokes has definitely helped me drink more water too, which is nice!

Write Down 10 Things You’re Grateful For Each Day – I’ve come to love this one. I totally forget to do it a lot, it’s the one that just totally slips my mind (I guess because the others I know I should be doing). But when I do remember I love it. Rachel suggests doing it in the evenings, but if I have time I’ve been trying to do mine in the morning, first thing, instead of picking up my phone. I think it’s a much better way to start my day than scrolling instagram. I’ve found I’m much happier when I start my day that way!

This challenge is definitely something that takes intention. It’s not something that just happens. But Rachel and her husband Dave go live on facebook and instagram EVERY week day morning for 30 minutes to encourage us, give us something extra work on or think about that day or week and keep us going! I live for their instagram lives! They are so good, so motivational and inspiring and I look forward to my 9am pep talk from them everyday.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, please let me know and join me! I started a little instagram accountability group as a space to encourage and talk through some things we’re struggling with or ask questions and I just love that little group! So I’d love for you to join us!

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