Well, well, it has been a minute since I’ve checked in over here, so I wanted to do a little blog update for 2022! I’ve been spending all my time over on instagram these days. While I really do love instagram I do miss the blog and having a space where things live on longer than a couple days and are not subject to a number of views and likes and comments. I also love that I can share a little more from the heart in writing here.
Part of me has felt the tug to leave blogging behind, but also a part of me never wants to give it up! I’m proud of all I’ve created here! Even the old, cringe worthy posts from the past – ha!
So What’s It Gonna Be? Official Blog Update for 2022:
I’m Coming Back!
I’ve decided to keep it going but my posts will be a little less frequent then they have been in the past. Only committing to 4-5 posts per month, but they’ll be GOOD ones! 🙂
I’ve been in an interesting place with my personal brand lately, so honestly I’m just ready to try some new things out. I shared a tip on how to get out of the “feeling stuck” phase on instagram recently and it’s been helping and inspiring me so much. Working for yourself isn’t easy, and a lot of times you think “this is what you’re supposed to do.” But honestly that’s the hardest part of being a business owner. There’s no rulebook and there’s no guide on how to do it all! It’s all on you to figure it out! And sometimes it’s time to change things up!! Lately any time I feel like something isn’t working, I just ask myself how I can change it? What can I change? How can I do something different?
So for now, the blog is staying, but I’m changing it up! I’ll be posting once per week (planning on Wednesdays or Thursdays!) and it will be more thoughtful, planned out content. More of things I REALLY LOVE, fav product reviews, how-to’s, seasonal favorites & more! Informative, educational things, and more posts that you might want to save and come back to later.
All the day in the life stuff will happen on instagram. And a weekly roundup of everything (including that week’s blog post) will come on Fridays in my Kick it with Katie newsletter! sign up here!
I’m excited for a change, I’m excited to get back to writing again and I’m excited for you guys to find some new content here that you also love! As always thanks for reading & thanks for sticking around! Love yall!! xoxoxo!