This post was inspired by my stack of cute headbands that I always forget to wear! I have so many cute ones but feel like I’m faced with the “how to wear a headband?” question every day! I don’t know why they seem so complicated to wear, but I just always felt a little intimidated by them. So if that’s you too, here are some fun ways I wore mine last week! I challenged myself to style my hair with a headband everyday last week and loved how they turned out each day!
How to Wear a Headband 5 Ways
Headband Styling Day 1: Air Dried Hair with a Cute Headband
When I air dry my hair I always feel like it needs a little something else. Throw a headband on, and you actually look like you styled your hair even through mine is totally just air dried!
Headband Styling Day 2: Sleek Everyday Curls
Curled is my go-to hairstyle, so that’s really the only way I ever wore a headband. But it does look great with smooth, brushed through everyday curls! I think they look best with a middle part and with pieces of hair in front.
Headband Styling Day 3: Low Bun
This was a new one for me, I never really style my hair in a low bun, but saw this one on pinterest and thought to give it a try! I’ll definitely be wearing my hair like this again! It was so easy, a great style for dirty hair and I never pull any messy pieces down in the front but actually love them like this! This will likely become a new go-to headband hairstyle for me.
Headband Styling Day 4: Messy Braid
I started to feel a little lost on day 4, I wasn’t sure I could come up with anything else! But I had seen this fishtail braid on someone else and thought it was worth a shot! It’s so cute with a headband! I actually really loved it with a headband because I felt like it kept my braid in place better than it does without.
Headband Styling Day 5: Slick Back Bun
I never thought I’d be a slick back bun kinda gal, but I’m actually loving it lately! It’s my go-to style when my hair is dirty and I will not be bothered to wash it. Ha! Did I use product to slick it back? Is that oily hair? No one will ever know! For this style, I did my Rejuviniqe oil to create the slicked back look and threw it in a bun and topped with headband. SO easy!
So there you have it! 5 Days, 5 Headband styles! Which one did you like best?! And what did I miss?! I hope this answers your how do I wear a headband question, just like it did mine! 😉