How to Find Your Style When You’re in Your 30s

how to find your style in your 30s

Growing up is a funny thing. At different points in our lives we start saying we’re “too old for that.” Or we start making excuses for why we can’t wear things or why we do have to wear certain things. That we have to dress a certain way because of our age or because you’re a mom now, or whatever reason you tell yourself you can or can’t wear something.

But you know what? That’s the quickest way to find yourself with a closet full of things you hate.

So, what’s the secret to creating a closet full of things you love and finding your style again?

Have fun with it! Think through what you ACTUALLY like and like to wear.

pink boho style dress

How to Find Your Style in Your 30s

Break it out into these three categories: What you NEED for work, what you LIKE to wear on the weekends and the fun pieces you LOVE and can’t live without.

Need for Work

Necessities, neutrals, basics, things that are practical, that fit and fit whatever your work dress code is. Sometimes fun things fit into this category, sometimes they don’t. So just think through what you really need and like to wear here and only buy those things.

Like for Weekends

This is whatever you mostly like to wear on your down time. A lot of people love athleisure and workout wear. Leggings and tees, etc. Other people love to throw on an easy dress on the weekends. I love jeans, cutoffs and graphic tees. If you love leggings, have fun with your legging outfits. If you don’t love leggings, don’t wear them. Don’t feel like you need to wear them, because everyone else does.

Fun Pieces you LOVE

This is where you get to have fun! Cool shoes, cute dresses, fun accessories, trendy pieces, etc. When you shop for these things be sure and take into consideration, colors you like, outfits you can make out of these pieces and just make sure they fit in with your stye and make sense with what’s in your closet. Don’t let anyone tell you you don’t need these things or that these need to fit in a certain box (like, you can’t wear rompers or cutoff shorts when you’re over 30, etc!) Try things out, wear what you like, what you feel good in and have fun!

We put wayyy too many silly restrictions on ourselves and what clothing we wear definitely shouldn’t be one of them! (Except in a professional setting of course! :))

boho style pink outfit

Personally, I love playing with boho style pieces, fun accessories (like a tied up llama scarf!) and have gotten over worrying what other people think. I wear what makes me happy and never feel like I have to get what other people are wearing. Often times I feel “influenced” by others to buy what they’re wearing because they look so cute! But I almost always try to think through purchases and determine if they’re my personal style or not before buying. If I’m not sure or it’s a maybe, I always give myself time to think it through. I love things that are different and unique and love putting my own twist on them. Personal style is what you make it, so if you’re like me and in your early 30’s don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t wear something, ok?!

pink boho outfit

No go clean out that closet, get rid of things that don’t make you happy and find things that do! Oh, and wear that piece you LOVE but it’s been sitting in the back of your closet on date night this week or girls night this weekend, just because! You love it, just wear it!

how to find your boho style

how to find your style in your 30s

Shop The Outfit:

My Kind of Lovely Dress | Similar Basket Bag | Similar Shoes | Similar Scarf