Ok, now that you’ve learned what you like it’s time to edit! This can be a hard part for some people. I’ll admit, getting rid of things has always been hard for me. But I’ve had a lot of practice and I’ve become quite the pro!
How to Edit Your Closet:
Ya’ll I’ve become an obsessive closet editor! I get rid of so much, all the time! My motto is, sell 3 pairs of shoes, buy one new one! Sell a dress, buy a dress! Ha! But for real, once I’m over something or once I’ve found something new that I wear all the time, the old is just taking up space, so I sell it. Also, the quicker you sell, the more value it has, so once you’re over it, you’re better off just selling it asap.
*I sell on Poshmark, in the best local Consignment sale, Statemint Consignment, and things unfit to sell I donate.*
Separate By Style:
Going back to yesterday’s post on knowing your closet. Once you really realize what you wear often, if you decide you have a lot of those outlying items in your closet it is definitely time to part ways. So, let’s go back to our list. Pull out anything from your closet that didn’t fall into those top 4-6 styles. Fun printed dresses are just that, fun! But you don’t need 20 in your closet. You especially don’t if that wasn’t on your list and you wear a few of those maybe one time over the summer. So go through that style and pick out your 5 favorites. Maybe a few of those you’ve worn this year, or maybe you haven’t worn any. Keep those favorites and get rid of the rest. Go through this with everything in your closet! Even if it’s a dress you bought for a wedding, wore it once and it’s just sitting there. If you don’t think you’ll wear it again, sell.
Separate By Color:
Go back to the color thing. If you don’t like the way brights look on you, get right of all the brights in your closet and don’t look back! If you never wear black, get rid of all your black! I have a color scheme that I love and gravitate towards so my closet is filled with those colors (and patterns, allll the patterns!) If you’re a neutrals all the way kinda girl, make that closet full of neutrals you LOVE! And don’t feel bad about getting rid of the rest. You will make some brights lovin’ girl (like me) very happy to shop your closet!
Pull Out EVERYTHING That Doesn’t Fit:
If it doesn’t fit, get rid of it. Bottom line. Don’t hold onto it until you lose weight, don’t keep your big pants around just in case, get rid of anything that doesn’t fit you when you try it on today. End of story. No exceptions. (Ok, unless you’re pregnant.)
Since the summer shopping season is coming to an end and everyone is already starting to shop fall, now is the perfect time to go through ALL your spring and summer clothes. It’s all fresh on your mind, you know what you’ve worn and you know what you haven’t worn. Follow these steps to edit your spring and summer closet first. Next, go through your fall and winter wardrobe and purge and then plan what you need to shop for this upcoming fall and winter!
I’m a firm believer in doing this edit every season to keep your closet fresh and full of things you actually wear! There’s this crazy statistic that women generally only wear 20% of their closet. That’s INSANE! It’s because we hold onto things we don’t love, and don’t buy what we like! Let’s stop the madness!
*Disclaimer* I do believe in keeping sentimental pieces, things that you might not wear often yet you just LOVE, and any vintage favorites. I have a few dresses and tops that I just may never get rid of, but I think by keeping those absolute favorites to maybe one day show or give to my daughter or even grandaughter is pretty cool. But I’m a lover of all things fashion and think it will be super fun to look back on those things!
Shop the Post:
Top: similar from Show Me Your Mumu (50% off with code SUMMERSALE) | Shorts: Part of a set from My Kind of Lovely | Shoes: My Kind of Lovely