What I’m working on this month: Being Consistent
Whewwww life has been pretty wild lately. I know we can probably all about say that, but since summer life has been extra crazy over here! Early summer we had a lot of sadness, hospital visits and then were grieving the loss of Jared’s mom. Then fall hit and we switched to wedding excitement! Wedding planning, and the best day ever! Our life has really been a roller coaster these past few months so things have been far from consistent around here! I like to think I’m a spontaneous, can do anything/work from anywhere kind of person, but truthfully I thrive more on a schedule and am most consistent with things when I’m feeling like my best self.
Being Consistent
Since we’re winding down from all the things, I’m excited to get back into a groove and get back to my normal routine of just being more consistent in my everyday life. Back to my morning routines, back to a normal work schedule and getting on a good work/life routine. It all basically revolves around getting into a healthy routine again. So here are a few areas I’m working to be more consistent in…
I’ve just been working when I can, and when things need to be done, but I thrive at work when I’m on a schedule! I’ll be working out a full work schedule and really sticking to it this month. As someone who juggles a lot of different work projects, it’s easy to let things slide through the cracks or put things on the back burner when you’re not on top of your game! Also, no more putting things off and no more waiting until the last minute to get things done!
My Schedule
Writing out a weekly schedule and sticking to it. I’ve been a little more flighty with taking each day as it comes, but when I write out a daily schedule I’m way more productive.
Personal Time & Personal Development
I got SO good at sticking to my morning routine and reading my personal development books but this past month totally let that fall to the side. These are so important to having a great, productive day so I’m excited to pick those back up again!
Most of my consistency falls under the schedule and discipline category but at least I know what needs to be worked on right?! This month I’m making a daily 5, for 5 things that I HAVE to do each day. It’s going to be great! Who wants to do a consistency challenge with me?! I’m actually super pumped about it! Let me know in the comments or over on insta!
What are some things you do to help you focus on being consistent? Let me know in a comment below!