Heart Happy Vol. 6

I swear every week I have great intentions to get on top of things for the blog and I feel like with all this “extra time” I should be able to get on a steady 5 days a week posting schedule but alas I find myself grasping for air and not finding the time now more than ever! One of these days I’ll get on top of things right?!

Friday majorly snuck up on me this week but for today’s heart happy-s I’m pretty happy about a really productive week at the shop! Last night as I was trying to remember all that’s happened this week I realized I never shared any photos from our My Kind of Lovely Holiday Lookbook here on the blog! So I’m sharing a little peek today and will dedicate a post to it next week! They’re pretty much too good not to share!

NovemberMKL Holiday-2-2

NovemberMKL Holiday-4-2

I also have been so full into holiday mode at the shop that I have done ZERO personal Christmas shopping! I haven’t purchased the first Christmas gift and have nothing picked out for myself! (Sorry, mom!) Unfortunately in my family I have way more boys than girls to buy for so the boys are my problem area. (Because, hello, I have a shop full of cute things for girls!) If you know of anyone who has some really good gift guides for the impossible boy send em my way!

There are a few noteworthy sales going on right now though. I’m hoping to be able to knock most of my Christmas shopping out in a few online purchases.

I’m hoping that between Urban Outfitters and J.Crew Factory I can find some good guy stuff? If not there’s always the Nordstrom gift guide for men! Crosses fingers…

Happy Friday! And Happy Shopping!