Out with the old and in the with the new. One thing that living and working in retail has taught me is to not get too attached to my clothes. Or anything materialistic really. As I’ve gotten older I’ve really changed into this non sentimental person when it comes to clothes. There are a few things that I’ve really LOVED that I can’t quite part with but for the most part I’m all about selling or getting rid of to make space for the new. I’d rather have and wear something new or different anyway so why not just get rid of it?! Clothes are great and all but when they’re just hanging in your closet, what’s the point?
I often get asked what I do with all my clothes, (and I always wonder this about my favorite bloggers as well!) and I do sell a lot. I have a lot listed on Poshmark and I sell consignment. A few years ago I sold a lot in Statemint Consignment’s event, a local weekend consignment event that is AMAZING! This year I’m selling a lot in the event again and I’m literally selling about half my closet it seems. I really am on this get rid of it all kick! I think since I’ve officially hit the big 3-0 and I’m getting married next year, I’m all about purging, simplifying and honestly, making the most of my money. So if you’re looking to pair down that closet I have a few tips for you. Nothing groundbreaking, but I know I can always use some good reminders and guidelines when starting the clean out.
My Closet Clean Out Tips
Get rid of it if…..
- It no longer brings you joy or excitement – There are plenty of things I’ve LOVED in the past but have just moved on from. It’s ok to toss that item for a similar piece that will give you that same feeling!
- It doesn’t fit – How many of us hold on to things that are too small because we’re holding onto losing that 10 lbs?! (hand raised!) Just get rid of it and buy a new one when you do lose the weight!
- You haven’t worn it in over a year – There are some exceptions to this but if it’s a top or a summer dress that you haven’t touched in a year, go ahead and get rid of it! You’re probably not going to wear it again next year.
- It’s damaged – I hate throwing things away but if a top has a hole in it or a shoe is falling apart it just needs to go in the trash. It’s taking up space and you’re obviously not wearing it. So get rid of it!
- You don’t know how to wear it – Ya know that piece you bought with a cute outfit idea in your mind but you can’t quite create it so it just stays there waiting for the perfect outfit to appear in your closet? Well, hate to break it to ya, that’s probably not happenin’ so just get rid of it in hopes someone else can make it work.
So when you’re purging out the old there’s plenty of room for new! Like this adorable green pleated $10 dress from H&M! Will I keep it forever? Probably not, but how cute is it for an easy fall transitional dress?! I already also want it in the blush pink too! It’s super lightweight so it’s perfect to wear now in the heat but is also great for fall. I mean, for $10 who cares what happens to it?! I’m also kind of obsessed with this blush pink and olive green color combo. So good!
So, what are your secrets to cleaning out that closet? Let me know if I missed anything! And I’d LOVE to hear your tips! I’m all about cleaning out these days so I’ll take all the help and advice I can get!
Dress: H&M | Jacket: Forever 21 | Shoes: Similar on sale from Sam Edelman
Photos by Sarah McAffry for Statemint Cosignment
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