5 Productive Things You Can Do From Home

Hopefully we’re all practicing social distancing this week to keep ourselves and others safe. I know a lot of people are working from home, some businesses are closed, it’s just a crazy time! I don’t know what your situation is, but I hope things are ok and you’re home this week! The enneagram 3 in me has my mind listing out all the things I can do with all this extra time (LOL) so I thought it would be fun to share those with you! If you’re like OMG what am I going to do for the next I don’t know how long?! Here’s a great start! Start with these 5 productive things you can do from home this week, and if this goes on for longer, don’t worry, I’ll keep you updated with more! I can go on forever!

5 Productive Things You Can Do From Home This Week!

Clean Out Your Closets

Ugh right?! But now that you have a little extra time that’s not going to be interrupted, tackle those closets, drawers, etc! I honestly have so much I need to throw away and just donate. Pull everything out of your closets & drawers and go through things one by one. Have a trash pile, a donate pile and a sell pile. You’ll be surprised you can probably get that done in a couple of hours and will feel so great you may move on to cleaning out the bathrooms after that! (check out my Shopaholics Anonymous series for some great tips on how to clean out your closet and create a closet you love!)

Start That Home Project You’ve Been Meaning To Do

Anyone else like me and have been putting off all the home projects because once you start it’s like a whole thing? I mean, once you commit to painting the whole house you’ve committed! Ha! So my goal is to go get the paint and just get started on one room this week. If you have a house project you’ve been putting off, now is the time! You’ll be kicking yourself this summer when you’re wanting to do all the fun things and it’s still not done!

Take Some Photos!

Have a new camera you still don’t know how to use?! Watch some youtube videos and figure it out! Know how to use your camera but NEVER use it? Practice this week! Go for a walk and just play around. Need some cute new pics of your kids? Get them outside and take some photos of them! Even if you don’t have a nice camera, iPhones work great! Make the most of this scary time and remember that your house and heart was filled with love and joy through it all. You will cherish those photos years down the road when all this has passed.

Self Care Time

If you’re always on the go and hardly have time to treat yourself to a little self care night, now’s the time to break out that hair masque, draw up a bubble bath, put on a face mask, paint your nails, grab a book, etc. Anything that makes you feel good, take a night to do that. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to be productive from home!


Have you been wanting to start a side business? Start a blog? Learn more about _____? But you never have the time?! If there ever was a time, it’s now. And I’ll be honest, if you don’t make it a priority right now, you never will. I’ve had a whole post on this topic started for a couple months now, and I honestly feel like the idea came to me for this time, right now. I promise I’ll finish it and give you ALL. THE. TIPS. this week. But here’s my number one piece of advice. There will never be a perfect time. You’ll never be ready. You’ll never know everything, you just must simply start. If there’s literally anything you’ve been wanting to do. Start it now. This is God’s timing, girlfriend!