I’m getting a slow, yet intentional start to the new year and I’m so glad I was able to. I’m slowly easing back into a normal routine, I took some major time to really slow down over the past two weeks. I took time to reflect and work without deadlines and man was it fantastic! I’m so excited to get back to work and get back to it though!
I originally had thought I might take some of January off from posting here, but I’m actually excited to get back to regular posting so that may not be the case! I am allowing myself the month of January to really reflect and plan. With the new year just a week after Christmas we rush from one holiday to the next and make some random resolutions with no plan that we don’t hold ourselves accountable to because, well, New Year New You right?!
Ugh. No.
I want to be intentional with those plans and resolutions and goals for the year! I don’t want to make them and then forget about them!
To be totally honest, 2018 was great. I did a lot of personal development, I grew and pushed myself and learned a lot more than I have in the years past, but it was also a hard year. I faced some tough decisions, I forced myself to take a deeper, harder look at myself and some of my actions, I shifted my priorities and did some hard stuff. But I’m stronger, more focused and a better person because of it. So let’s keep it going!
That makes me so excited for 2019 and to keep pushing forward through those hard times, tough seasons and learning moments to build a better, happier life! So this year I decided to have a word of the year and it’s something that I want to work on in so many different areas of my life. So you’ll be hearing about it a lot around here.
My 2019 word of the year is INTENTION
I want to be more intentional in a lot of areas of my life. I want to do things with intention, not just going through the motions. I’d like to make the most of things like my time, my money, my home, my things. I want to clear my mind from the clutter and my heart from the distractions so that I can lean into my best life.
But how? How do we do this?!
Work on it daily, plan, set goals and stop making excuses.
Each month here I’m going to share a different area that I’ll be working on. It’ll be similar to the monthly goals I shared last year (you can see them all here). I’ll be choosing one area of intention to practice working on in hopes that I will start to create new habits. If you want to follow along and do it with me, come on! If you want to set your own monthly goals, I’d love to hear those too! Please always feel free to email me, leave a comment here, or DM me on instagram! I want to hear ya’ll’s goals too!
January’s Intention: Reflect & Plan
This month I’m doing a lot of reflecting and planning so I can start the year off with a REAL, tangible plan based off previous years and behaviors. I’ll be reflecting and planning the entire month of January and I even am putting time aside in my calendar to work on this.
Reflect: I’m going back through last year’s blog posts, blog projects and things I loved and things I didn’t love so that I can set goals for what I want more of for 2019. I’m also reflecting on my commitments, my calendar, my time, my spending, my earning, everything. So I can see what I want more of and what I want less of. Spending time to reflect helps you realize things you may just skip over when goal setting.
Plan: Once I have an understanding of what works, what didn’t work, what I want more of and what I want less of, I’m making a plan. I’m setting some goals. Some life, some blog, some work and some other goals for the year and am working on better goal setting and better planning tactics to see what works best for me.
So, by the end of the month, I’ll have some INTENTIONAL GOALS for the year! YAY! Who doesn’t love some great goals?! Let’s do this girls!
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