20 Things I Want to Do in 2020

Starting this new year and new decade I was feeling a little overwhelmed. I was really excited and proud of how I ended 2019 that I’m so excited to keep the momentum going and freaking knock 2020 out of the park. I just have a really good feeling about this year and I’m SO excited! But I’ve been so excited I’ve been a little overwhelmed of where to start. How do I goal set for a big year? Do I pick a couple BIG goals to go after? Do I pick a lot of little goals mixed in? There’s a lot I’m going after so I thought both would be reasonable. I’m setting a few really big, scary goals for myself but also creating a list of 20 things I want to accomplish in 2020. I saw my friend, Laura from Louella Reese do this and I loved it. It can include smaller things and bigger things and 20 still seems do-able. I think I’m going to write these out and post them up on my desk so I can check them off as I complete them too! So fun!

20 Things I Want to Do in 2020


Now that I’m officially full time in middle Tennessee we can officially start planning a wedding. Actually being married seemed so far off when we were both working out of town and away from each other all the time. And being married is way more important than a wedding to us anyway so we’ve taken our time to make sure we can be in a place where we can give each other our best. And I’m so glad we did that.

Blog Rebrand

This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while and I’m officially getting the ball rolling on it this month. I don’t quite know what I want to do yet, but I do know I want to make some brand changes around here.

Post on the Blog Consistently 3x Per Week

Now that I have a lot of time back in my life there’s no excuse to not get back to a good blog posting schedule. Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday you can expect new posts here!

Start a Monthly or Bi-Monthly Blog Email Newsletter

I’ve tried this before but I need to get better at it! Looking forward to creating some exclusive email newsletter content!

Create More Video Content

I want to create more IGTV video content! I’m going to shoot for one new IGTV per month. Whether it’s styling videos or tutorials I can’t wait to create more video!

Back on Faster Way to Fat Loss as a Lifestyle

Ya’ll my diet and exercise routine last year was a hot mess. So on and off. I want to get back to my consistency this year. With an April trip to Vegas, a wedding and other fun trips that come with all that, I want to FEEL good and look good. I’m excited to get my energy back!

Try Out Yoga

I’ve never really been a yoga person but I feel like I would actually love it. It’s just taking the time to do it. So I want to try out a few different forms of yoga through classes or even at home video this year.

Share More Recipe Content on The Blog and On Instagram

My 5 Under 5 Minute Healthy Lunches blog post is one of my most popular blog posts! Ha! So funny! So that’s on my list to share more of this year.

Revamp of mykindoflovely.com

Since we’re switching to everything online at My Kind of Lovely one of my spring goals is to do a full website clean up and some design updates. So excited to give the website a fresh look!

Cut Back on Impulse Buying

I think we can all be victim of this but I want to cut back on my spending just to spend. Just to buy something new, just because it’s “cute”. I really want to be more intentional about the clothing in my closet, the products I use and buy, the things in my house, etc. I’m pretty good at this, but I just want to be better! And I cant wait to share some tips along the way! I’m doing a no spend January and it honestly feels really dang good!

Pay off All Personal Debt By Summer

Just from being self employed for the past 5 years, I’ve racked up some personal debt. From business expenses to life emergencies, it just happens. It’s not a ton, but its there and I need it all gone. So my plan is to have it all paid off in 6 months!

Grab Coffee With Friends More

I’m embarrassed to say that I miss my friends! I’ve spent so much time running around and with a million things on my plate that I miss just grabbing a drink or coffee with friends! So I want to be sure to make some time to go to coffee or happy hour or dinner with friends a lot more this year.

Home Renovations

We’re planning to do some home renovations this year that we’re super excited about! I also want to be able to share those before and afters here and I can’t wait! We have no idea what we’re doing just yet, so totally in the beginning stages but it’s in the works!

Travel to 5 Places I’ve Never Been Before

I haven’t made traveling a priority lately and definitely not going to new places a priority. I’m just happy to get out of town sometimes! Ha! But this year I want to make it a priority and to check out totally new places I’ve never been before.

Take Jared on a Surprise Weekend Trip

Our schedules are annoyingly complicated so I don’t even know if I can make this happen. But I would love to surprise Jared and take him on a weekend trip somewhere! Maybe this spring!

Set Monthly Intentions Every Month

I did this last year and it made a huge difference. If you take the time to be intentional about your habits and your life you can see HUGE improvements in literally just a month. It’s crazy. See my January intentions here.

Have Fun in Nashville Once a Month

Jared and I hardly ever go to Nashville! And we live 20 mins away! Ha! So one of our goals is to go into town more often. Go to concerts/events, try new restaurants, go do fun things when we can. It’s nice that we both have flexible schedules and can do a day date or weeknight afternoon in Nashville too, we just need to take advantage!

Explore More of Tennessee

Even though we’ve done a lot in the ole great state of Tennessee we both want to do more. So I’m going to make a Tennessee Bucket List for us! Exploring Memphis or Chattanooga, going to the Jack Daniels Distillery, Graceland and more iconic Tennessee landmarks is definitely something we want to do more of in 2020.

If you want to see the list, or have suggestions to add to the list let me know! 

Earn A Free Car

Ya’ll I literally didn’t even know this was a goal, but this year I’m totally earning a free car just through sharing about Monat. It’s insane. The company is amazing, our team is amazing, I’m so pumped to get a free car this year! My real goal is to get a free car by summer. Let’s GO!

Become a Director in Monat

This is a big scary goal to put out there, but I’m going for it, I want to become a Director. I LOVE this side business of mine and I feel it in my bones that I am made to lead and champion other women to create a life they love. I can’t even express how much this has changed my life and I can’t wait to help others do the same.

How do y’all do new years goals and resolutions?! I’d love to hear! I’m always fascinated by other people’s!

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