What Do You Do With Inspiration?

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

Who inspires you? What inspires you? I feel like we all, regardless of what industry you work in, go through these inspirational ups and downs. Personally, I feel like I’ve been on an inspirational roller coaster lately! I get so inspired by something, then I get paralyzed by the idea of what to do with that inspiration! How does that translate to me, how do I execute, when do I even have time to execute?! The “do” part of the inspiration feels a little overwhelming, so more times than not, I get frustrated with my inspiration. But how freaking silly is that?!

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

In my need for organization I’ve been trying to at least organize and archive my inspiration. Taking notes of people and places that inspire me so I can come back to them, writing down or screenshotting quotes or words that speak to me, and taking photos of all the cute places and things and people that I love. I have also created folders in my phone and different notebooks to catch different things I’m inspired by. Little steps, to organize thoughts that I can look back on when I need the inspiration. I’ve found that when I keep getting inspired and go to write down my thoughts I usually get re-inspired by myself and this usually helps me take action!

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

So today, I thought it would be fun to share a few things I’ve been loving lately, some things and places that have inspired me and encourage ya’ll to join me in the inspiration conversation! Let me know in the comments what’s currently inspiring you! Is it travel? Is it a person? A podcast? A business? I wanna hear!

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

Things That Are Currently Inspiring Me….

  • VIP Weekend with Amanda Tress – There’s something that Amanda suggested to me over this VIP weekend that I can’t get out of the back of my mind. This weekend was all about no  nonsense business learning. Just being around and learning from such a strong, amazing, business woman who lives her life with such intention is SO INSPIRING. I know I will continue to reflect on this inspiring weekend for months to come. I just hope I can be deliberate enough to put her suggestions into ACTION!
  • The Laptop Lifestyle Podcast – I literally have no clue how I stumbled across Alexis on instagram but I started following her, fell in love with her photos, then her captions and now her podcast!! Seriously I freaking love that you can find inspiring, amazing people on instagram! Her podcast is all about the “laptop lifestyle” and is great for anyone in the creative, entrepreneurial, digital world and they’re all seriously so good. I just started listening this weekend and I’ve probably listened to 8 episodes!
  • My Shoot Days with Lacey – We actually shot these fun photos what feels like forever ago and that was the last time we shot together! I always feel like I get a jolt of inspiration when we work together. Blogging can get a little less than inspiring sometimes since a lot of the work is done on your own. But I really do love when she and I can work together! When we can shoot at new, fun places, try out new things, and have a little fun together!
  • Riley at Yes, Please – One of my favorite people to follow lately is Riley! She shares easy, do-able recipes, affordable home decor, goes on fun travels, has the most adorable, affordable swimsuits lately and she’s just so relatable! I want to share more lifestyle content here and she’s my current inspiration because everything she shares is just really genuine, relatable and real. I just love her!

So you guys tell me, who and what is currently inspiring you?

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

What Do You Do With Inspiration?

Shop the Outfit:

Top: Consignment find via Statemint but LOVE this one from Forever 21 | Jeans: Old Navy | Shoes: My Kind of Lovely (these are also on my wishlist)| Hat: Urban Outfitters | Bag: Similar from Topshop