This dress is a My Kind of Lovely new arrival that I just had to get my hands on as soon as it arrived! The tribal embroidery, flowy shape (that’s so flattering) and adorable back was just too perfect for fall transitioning. It’s so perfect for those warm fall days with some booties and a hat! Not to mention a hat is my current favorite fall accessory right now. #cantstopwontstop This particular hat has been a fall staple of mine that I’m really looking forward to upgrading it this season. I’ve got my eye on a few fun fall hats from Nordstrom but I always have the hardest time deciding on one! Shop some of my favorites here:
My Kind of Lovely dress | My Kind of Lovely booties | Gap hat (old but love this one from Nordstrom) | Rented sunglasses from DITTO (use code PEARLSANDTWIRLS for your first month free!) | Bourbon & Boweties bracelets via My Kind of Lovely | Lisi Lerch Earrings via My Kind of Lovely
Love the back on this one! I was trying on hats the other day, and sad day cause my heads too big.. haha.
Josh | The Kentucky Gent
Ummm I have a huge head too! Most hats have to just sit on top! Ha!