Why You Don’t Have To Be Perfect to See Progress

Today we’re talkin’ progress, not perfection. Because can we all just agree and accept the fact that we’re not perfect at anything?! I think we all get so hyped up about things that we feel like they have to be executed perfectly. Starting a new diet and workout program? I have to follow it perfect and can’t mess up. Starting a new business or maybe even a blog? Well of course it has to be the best and I have to spend all the money to get it started! And while I agree, when you start something you need to be all in and give it your best, but perfect? We’re all very far from perfect, so let’s just cool it with that word.

Progress Not Perfection in Aerie

Today I’m mainly focusing on the progress, not perfection in the diet and exercise realm but I promise you I can write a whole separate post on it for blogging AND starting a boutique! It seriously can pretty much be applied to any aspect of your life!

If you’ve been following along for a while, you’ve heard about my successful journey with the FASTer Way To Fat Loss, if you want to see my first 6 week story complete with before & after photos, you can read here. But one of my FAVORITE parts of this program is it’s all about progress, not perfection. You don’t have to completely cut things out of your diet or kill it at the workouts every single day. You just have to work at it. Make it a priority and do your best. It’s all about incorporating this program into your lifestyle, which we all know is unpredictable.

Progress Not Perfection

What I’m saying is, it’s ok to mess up. It’s ok to skip a workout or have a glass of wine and a piece of bread. We’re not perfect, so let’s own up to it! I’ll admit, I’ve skipped more workouts than I’ve completed some weeks. I’ve had wine and dessert and even a hamburger. But guess what? I’ve still seen amazing results! Why? How? Because I get right back on track when I can. I have weeks where I do great and follow the program to a T and other weeks that I’m doing good to get some groceries and a workout in. (You better believe ya girl had some pizza and rose in Chicago this weekend!) So when you mess up, remember, there’s always tomorrow. There’s lots more days, meals, workouts, etc. You’re doing just fine!

The point I’m trying to get across with this post is, I’m really working hard to make this a complete lifestyle change for me, but I’m not perfect. I don’t want you to see my results and think you can’t do it, because you definitely can. These results are totally attainable for the everyday girl. Believe me, I’m very far from perfect, but this program is the real deal! It’s a little intimidating at first, but I promise it’s an amazing program once you give it a chance!

P.S. The next 6 week round starts next Monday, August 14! Sign up here!

Progress Not Perfection

And this time last year I would have NEVER taken photos in any colored leggings other than black, much less printed light pink ones with only a sports bra on top! (I still kinda can’t believe I’m posting it! ha!) BUT with hard work and a few bumps along the way I feel great! I feel strong, lean and better than I have in a very long time!

Progress Not Perfection

Progress Not Perfection

Progress Not Perfection

Progress Not Perfection

Shop My Workout Outfit:

Leggings: gifted Aerie | Sports Bra: gifted Aerie | Shoes: Nike | Bag: Ban.do via My Kind of Lovely

Sign Up for the Next Round of The FASTer Way To Fat Loss

**This post contains affiliate links. This means when you click the link to sign up for the Faster Way To Fat Loss I make a commission for referring you. Wahoo! If you decide to join me on this lifestyle journey I’d LOVE for you to sign up through my referral link. I have loved sharing my results with you and hope you have loved reading! I love the program and know you will too!**