No Bad Days Mantra

No Bad Days Mindset

Ya’ll this sweatshirt gives me lifeee! I’m all about the No Bad Days mindset but sometimes it’s hard. Like really hard, ya feel me?! Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about positivity, mindset and manifestation and I’m realizing how amazing it is. My friend Alex told me about the pep talk she gives herself when working on her goals and it got me thinking, why the heck don’t we do this more often?! Your mindset changes everything! Do you know any successful people out there that kept telling themselves, you suck, you’ll never reach that goal, you’re not good at this, I’m never getting any better at this….Heck no?! They all believed in themselves and made it happen!! Regardless of their circumstances, regardless of their money, regardless of their failures, regardless of their education! There are so many amazing stories out there, so why can’t we be one of them!?!

No Bad Days Mindset

Ok maybe we’re not trying to change the world or re-invent the wheel here, but I’ve just been so inspired by other people’s stories and manifesting good things to happen. Anytime I’m having a harder day than usual I try to remind myself in the grand scheme this really is not that big of a deal. I can let that bad day distract me from the big picture or I can suck it up, get positive and get working.

I’m a firm believer in the fact that we will all forever be a work in progress, but I’ve really been trying to nix the negative thoughts. I’m a big picture positive person, but in the little things I can get down on myself sometimes. I know those negative thoughts will keep coming, but if I make myself more aware of them, I feel like I can really change my mindset and my daily life experiences. What about ya’ll? What are some ways you try to keep negativity out of your life?? I’d love to hear!

No Bad Days Mindset

No Bad Days Mindset

No Bad Days Mindset

No Bad Days Mindset

Shop The Outfit:

Top: My Kind of Lovely | Jeans: Old Navy | Shoes: Converse