February Intentions: At Home Workouts

Ok I’m really trying to get back on my workout game. When you stop working out and get started again, it’s SO HARD. The motivation isn’t there, the actual workouts for the first couple of weeks are brutal, you’re so sore, they’re just really rough. One of the reasons I loved the Faster Way to Fat Loss was because the had at home workout options. I literally can’t tell you the last time I worked out in a gym. College I guess? I’ve always been a more group fitness person and have loved a lot of different classes, but I’ve never really done the gym much, but a 30 minute workout you can do at home? I’m here for it!

So literally my number one focus for February is getting 3-5 workouts in a week. My schedule can be a little inconsistent, so I’ve already been hitting a few hiccups in my workouts but I know if I can take 30 minutes out of my day 3-5 days a week it will be so worth it come March 1! Last week I only got 2 workouts in, but this week we’re goin’ for 4! Just this weekend I decided to make this my one and only February intention so that I can make it a higher priority. I’m still figuring out this monthly intention thing! And for me, and it seems like 1-2 per month is my sweet spot. I went a little overboard last month and some fell to the wayside!

So I’ll be doing the Faster Way to Fat Loss at home workouts. I know not everyone is doing the Faster Way, but if you’re wanting to get back to working out and at home workouts sound like a great way to ease back in, there are so many great options for you! There are a lot of amazing FREE at home workouts on Youtube! Whether you’re looking for cardio, HIIT, pilates or yoga, you can literally find anything and everything!

If you’re just getting back into working out like I am, give yourself a weekly workout goal. (3x is great!) Schedule it into your calendar, and do your VERY best to not make excuses to skip it. Get up earlier, get it in on your lunch break, or right when you get home before you make dinner. No excuses! You’ll be feeling so much better a month from now!

If you’re interested in the Faster Way to Fat Loss they have a new round coming up in March! Read more about my experience with it and why I love it here and you can see all my posts covering it here