Today we’re talking “success.” How to get it, how to go for it and truly what it takes to be successful at something. If you’re someone who aspires to go farther, to start your own thing or just be really great at something, just know that it takes work, but maybe not the kind of work you think. So let’s dive in. Today you’re learning my #1 secret to success. Scroll down to read more!
What Does it Take to Be Successful?
Recently I was chatting with someone who said, “well you’re just successful at everything you do!” I took the compliment but on the inside I was like lololololol that’s a joke.
But for her, she may see me as successful. To me, I feel like I’m just getting started, such a work in progress and that there still is so much “success” to be had. So I just want to start this off by saying we’re all successful in some way, but I’d assume if you’re reading this post you’re ambitious and reaching for more in your life. So I’m literally going to share with you my #1 secret to success and break it down into 3 separate ways that you can incorporate it into your life and business.
My #1 Secret to Success: KEEP GOING
What I replied to that message was, “I’m just a girl who keeps going and doesn’t give up! That’s all it takes!” Literally, just don’t stop. It’s the simplest, yet hardest thing to do. Especially when things get tough. But the only way to succeed is to keep going. Every single day. And don’t stop. Nothing is going to happen instantly. Tough things will happen, you’ll want to quit, you’ll work with no reward, but the most important thing is that you don’t stop. You can rest, but you absolutely cannot stop. Write for no readers, show up for no viewers, open the door and wait for someone to walk through. Do that everyday, and eventually your dream people will show up. I promise. John Maxwell says if you spend 1 hour per day working on something, in 5 years you will be an expert. Do you have 1 hour per day? 5 years may seem like a long way away, but it’s short in the grand scheme of living your dreams, right?! So here are a few different ways you can keep going to see results.
Be Consistent
Consistency can be the hardest part. Some days you don’t feel like it, some days are HARD, some days you’re exhausted. But if you can show up for 1 hr on those days, you’ll be glad you did. A minimum of one hour each and every day will create consistency in your life and help you build your dream!
Believe in What You’re Doing
If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, no one else will either! People want to work with, partner with and buy from people who are passionate about what they’re doing! No one wants to hire a photographer that doesn’t get excited about getting an amazing shot! No one wants to buy a dress from someone who’s like, yeah I guess this dress is ok. RIGHT?! Get excited about what you’re doing and BELIEVE in what you’re building! You don’t just have to be passionate about what you’re doing either. You truly must believe that YOU can do it too! If you keep thinking in the back of your head, I don’t know if this is going to work out, I don’t think it’s going to happen for me, I don’t think I can get there, what if, I don’t know, etc, etc, etc, you also don’t fully believe in yourself. Anytime those thoughts creep in, acknowledge that you’re consciously choosing to think those thoughts and choose better thoughts!
Set Short Term Goals
Does anyone else feel a little sick to their stomach that it’s almost August?! I feel like the days and weeks and months are just all jumbled together this year and are literally flying by. If you’re not careful, the year is going to end and you’re going to be like omg I’m exactly where I started. How did this happen?! Set short term, monthly goals to keep you excited and headed in the right direction.
Regardless of what you’re wanting to see more success in, I think all three of these are valid and very helpful to keep you going.
Whether you’re starting a business, starting or keeping up with a blog, working on your relationships, going for a goal at work, these three steps have kind of changed my life in terms of where I’m going and the “success” I’m chasing. And I really hope they’re helpful to you too! See more goal setting and inspirational posts here!