Happy Mindful March! I’m not going to lie, I ended February feeling like a scatterbrained mess! That last week really did me in and I realized I’ve got to be more mindful about my days. Some of the girls I work with in Monat are doing Mindful March and I decided it was the perfect time for me to join in! So this month I’m bringing back the monthly intention and going to be working on a lot of different areas and sharing them all here and on insta! It’s going to be focused on health, finances, goals, time, well-being, future and everything in between!
It’s also the perfect time because we’re coming up on 1 year since the start of Covid. I know we’ve all had so many emotions and we’ve all gone through so much over this past year, but if you’re feeling a little hopeless and exhausted by the state of the world right now, this could be just what you need! I know it’s what I need right now!! I’m feeling like I need a re-set! Something to look forward to and a reminder that I need to take care of myself instead of just gliding by.
So if you want to join in, I’ll be sharing daily on Instagram! It will be a lot of daily tips, I’m going to include some challenges and more! I seriously can’t wait! Here’s the details of the categories I’ll be sharing!
Mindful March Weekly Schedule
Week 1: Time
This week we’re focusing on time. I’ve realized when I’m more mindful of my time, my days and weeks are so much better! I’m happier, less stressed, more productive and feel my absolute best! But you have to remember that YOU are in control of your time. We all have the same amount of hours in the day, successful people just manage their time better!
Week 2: Health
I’ll be the first to admit, quarantine life has been so hard on my healthy living, healthy lifestyle. I’ll definitely be doing a challenge this week and be working on adding back in some healthy habits this month!
Week 3: Well-Being
Our overall well-being is so important. I’ll be working on stress management, daily happiness, positivity, good relationships and overall well being and happiness!
Week 4: Goals
Let’s not forget about goal setting! Being mindful is one of the TOP ways you can reach your goals! Being mindful of your days, your habits, your attitude and more is the number one way you can reach your goals!
I haven’t decided if I’ll cover all these here on the blog, or just do them all on Instagram, but I’m excited to really dive into all these topics and work on things with y’all! Soooo let’s get to it! Wahoo! Happy March!