Welp, over the past few weeks I’ve gotten a little behind on my weekly Heart Happy posts! I’ve been a little overwhelmed with finishing out my first official holiday season in retail but I’m actually really excited about the holidays winding down and getting back into somewhat of a schedule again. In these first few days of 2015 I’ve been really trying to focus in on what exactly I want to accomplish this year. New Year’s Resolutions are really easily forgotten by me so I’ve decided to start the year off with a list of goals. I’ve got goals for My Kind of Lovely, goals for Pearls & Twirls and a few personal ones. (Yes, I started this post quite a few days ago – ha!)
As for Pearls & Twirls, I’ve mentioned I’m wanting to try out some new things here (my Heart Happy posts being one of them) and I’m excited to try out some new series and some new post ideas in 2015. I revisited the survey I posted a while back to get a little more inspired by your feedback and it looks like you’re also interested in more personal & lifestyle content along with more beauty & fitness content. While it’s a little overwhelming to think about regularly creating and publishing brand new and different content I’m excited to try some different things out! It’s so easy to get stuck in my outfit posting routine!
I’ve done some fitness posts in the past which I’ve really enjoyed so be ready to see some more of those coming soon and I’m even planning on running another half marathon this year (it’s on my 101 in 1001 after all!) So I’m hoping to share a little bit of that journey here as well!
And, if there’s anything that you would also like to see in 2015 on Pearls & Twirls I would love to hear it! Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section or feel free to email me! I always love hearing from you and want 2015 to be an awesome year for P&T!
As for my personal goals I wanted to keep things fairly simple. My 4 goals for the year.
- Create more
- Travel often
- Live healthy
- Don’t settle
I’ve got a lot on my plate this year but I feel like if I keep a personal focus on these things 2015 may just be my best year yet!
And lastly, I’m really loving all the inspirational and motivational blog posts going around right now. I left my corporate America job in November and now running my shop, My Kind of Lovely, and blogging are officially now my career. It’s pretty overwhelming and scary to dive into self employment full time but I’m really loving Hallie’s post on why she left her job and Josh’s post on what it means to be a blogger. When you’re more of a “go against the grain” kind of person it’s always reassuring to read about, follow and watch others do the same.
**Heart Happy posts will go back to regularly scheduled Fridays this Friday!**
Shop The Post:
Thanks so much for including me in this week’s post! Couldn’t agree more, it makes me feel way less crazy when I see other people doing & struggling as much as me.