August Monthly Intention: Get Out of My Comfort Zone Everyday

Once I get on a roll, I seriously love setting a monthly intention every month. The goal is to only set one each month so that it’s easy to stick to! I’ve been LOVING my morning routine that I set for my July intention. Now that’s it officially a habit and part of my day, it’s something that I don’t ever want to stop doing! But for August, we’re doing something a little different!

{top on sale from My Kind of Lovely}

Get Out of My Comfort Zone Everyday

I actually made this my intention last September and I really remember that month last year which is kind of crazy. I remember being really proud once the month was over because I knew deep down that I pushed myself that month. Everyday I wrote a checkbox in my planner that said “uncomfortable” and I checked it off every single day as I intentionally thought of something each day that I could do to get out of my comfort zone.

If you’re looking for a really transformative daily practice, I’d highly suggest doing this with me. Somedays it was something pretty small, other days it was something I’d been putting off because it made me uncomfortable. But overall, seriously, it was amazing.

I think what makes this different is that for the most part we go through our days pretty comfortable. In our “happy place”. We may push ourselves in our workout or maybe a little bit at work, but I think we all aim for a pretty comfortable little life. Really challenging ourselves to go the extra mile isn’t part of our daily routine. But when you make it a part of your routine it comes more natural to you and it’s not as scary. Make sense?!

I’m pretty excited about it and it’s a much needed challenge for me! If you want to join me, please let me know! I can put together an accountability group!! July has honestly been a really hard month and if you’re in the same boat, I think you’ll love doing this with me! I know that amazing things can happen through tough times and tough times build strong people. So I’m declaring August my month. I’m getting uncomfortable, working my tail off, and going to see the fruits of my labor. Who else is ready for August?! Let’s ride!