5 Lessons I Learned From VIP Weekend

Ok so I went to Florida, it looked like all fun and games but really it was a business mastermind weekend and it was amazing.

Wait? What? What does that mean and why was I there? Lemme tell ya.

Amanda Tress, the creator of the Faster Way To Fat Loss, also has a digital marketing agency and coaches ladies in the fitness industry on how to scale and grow their businesses. She hosts a VIP weekend for her clients to come and learn strategy from her, get feedback from her, meet and learn from others in their industry, and lots more! It’s a great weekend! And I got the opportunity to go for FREE! Since I’ve shared so much about the Faster Way To Fat Loss here and so many of you guys have signed up and loved the program I was offered the opportunity to go and learn from Amanda which was truly a blessing! I’m so honored I was able to go! And huge thanks to Jared for pushing me to step out of my comfort zone and just go! I was intimidated and a little nervous, but sometimes you just need someone to put it bluntly to you and just say, GO.

One thing I really loved about the weekend was that it wasn’t all about teaching and learning. It was very conversational. We all talked and we all learned from each other. I learned so much just from the conversations I had with others and since I’m in a different industry completely I felt like I actually had some great tips and advice to share with the ladies who were there. I could share my take on different things like social media, bloggers, blogging, pinterest, etc! Lindsey, who works for Amanda, was also there snapping pictures of us for our social media too! Definitely something we all need anyway so it was great that was included in the weekend.

I thought it would be fun to share a few of my takeaways from the weekend with you guys! I learned so much, and honestly came home a little overwhelmed. It took me about 2 weeks to really think about a lot of these things and this week I’ve felt so inspired to get things done. I’m really excited about something Amanda suggested to me over the weekend that I can’t wait to share with you guys!

5 Lessons I Learned From VIP Weekend


Strategy isn’t my strong suit. I’m more of a fly by the seat of my pants kinda gal. Not proud of it, but that’s just how I roll. I learned that everything doesn’t have to be strategized, but your business absolutely needs strategy. So I’m working on revamping a few things for My Kind of Lovely and Pearls & Twirls in the strategy department and am excited about what’s to come for both!

Long Term Goal Setting

One of the first things Amanda had us do was write down what success means to us. She also had us write down our 5 year goals, what we want our lives and days to look like, what our 5 year income goals were. Woah. I’m all about setting goals, but I’m more of a short term goal setter. Looking at the big picture like this was major! Such a game changer because yes, you have time to work toward that goal, but you also can see when and if something is getting in the way of you getting to or hitting that goal! My 5 year goals are crazy big, so it’s also a great reminder that hey, you’ve only got 5 years to get there, get to work! Figure out your “how” and strategize!

The Importance of Legacy

One of the things Amanda said that has really stuck with me is she said that, today, she knows what she wants her husband, her kids, her employees and her friends to say about her if she passed away tomorrow. Something we don’t like to think or talk about, but it really made me re-evaluate some things. I’m really thinking about how I I’m living my life, the importance I put on things, etc.

Basics of Digital Marketing

I don’t have any background in marketing or digital marketing but I learned some super basic things that I plan to work on implementing better on both mykindoflovely.com and here on Pearls & Twirls. Things like lead magnets, sales funnels, and engaging headlines! Definitely things I’m already starting to work on!

Micro Influencers

Wahoo! That’s me! I was so excited to hear Amanda tell her fitness clients the importance of working with micro influencers. This world of blogging and “influencing” is ever evolving and I’m so excited that brands and businesses are really seeing the benefits of working with Influencers in general, but more importantly, micro influencers. If you’re a blogger, don’t think you have to have hundreds of thousands of followers to make a difference!

Luckily, with the Faster Way to Fat Loss, I’ve become strong enough to climb up the side of this beach guard house when taking beach photos at 8am! Ha!

Shop The Outfit:

Leggings: gifted Aerie | Tee: Aerie | Bra: Aerie

P.S. If anyone is still considering joining the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, there’s another round starting on May 21! I’ve started a instagram DM group as a place to chat more, share recipes, hacks, ask questions and whatever else! Aka…Katie, please tell me I can have wine!?! Yes, girl you can! So please let me know if you do sign up and I’ll add you!

Sign Up for the Next Round Here