5 Ways To Be More Productive TODAY!

Hi friends! I’ve been a little MIA over here lately as life has just gotten away from me! I’ve also had a serious case of writers block and I just hate throwing posts up here that don’t get my full attention or reach their full potential. Ya feel me? I’m over the days of half a$$-ing it. If I’m taking the time to post it I want it to be good!

5 Ways To Be More Productive

But after a crazy two weeks celebrating my birthday, being out of town for Amanda Tress’ VIP weekend and then celebrating the My Kind of Lovely birthday, I’m ready to get back on the productivity train and make the most of my days, my weeks and my time in general! So woo hoo to that! I actually started this post a few weeks ago and never got around to posting it, but it’s coming up at the perfect time! If you’re in need of a little extra productivity like I am right now, this post is totally for you!

5 Ways To Be More Productive

As a perpetually busy person, I tend to always be checking things off a to-do list and cramming my days full. I get anxious when the minutes and hours fly by as I still have so much to accomplish that day. I tend to overuse the excuse “I’ve got too much to do” and I really want to minimize that. The key is making your days the most productive as possible which is sometimes hard for this procrastinator! But I’ve really been working on becoming my most productive self and hope I can help you become more productive too! Here are 5 things I’ve been actively working on which have all made huge differences in my days!

5 Ways To Be More Productive

5 Ways To Be More Productive

  1. Mark Off One Thing You’ve Been Putting Off First Thing in the Morning – I’ve heard of this often but a friend suggested reading the book, Eat That Frog which also suggests doing that and lots of other stop procrastinating tips that I can’t wait to read! Getting that task finished first thing will make you feel like you can instantly tackle your day!
  2. Clear The Clutter – Cluttered desk = cluttered mind. I’m constantly in clutter because I feel like I need to leave things out as reminders. I have papers on my desks, stuff out that has no place, etc. Find homes for things, and complete those random tasks that are just laying around. Which brings me to….
  3. Only Touch Things Once – Ya’ll I read this in an article and was like OMG genius. Touch things once, get them done and move on. Ya’ll don’t want to know how many emails are just sitting in my inbox to “come back to”. (insert eye roll emoji) That wastes SO MUCH TIME. Open the email, take the time to respond to them and move on. Only touch that email once. Not going to lie though, this one is HARD. But I’m trying to get better at it. Somethings you do just have to come back to. But for those that can be fairly simple. Just respond!
  4. Fuel Yourself Properly: Since starting the Faster Way to Fat Loss I’ve found when I eat better, I feel better and am my most productive self. So instead of reaching for a burger a fries because you’re busy and only have time to run through a drive through, get something that will make you feel better. I freaking love diet coke. I know I shouldn’t but I just can’t quit it! So I’ve decided to make it more of a reward and not an everyday thing. I’ve also noticed it kind of has an opposite effect on me. It makes me sleepy versus caffeinated. So try to reach for an afternoon coffee as my pick me up instead of a diet coke. It’s all about what actually makes you better throughout the day. This one takes some time to figure out what foods actually make you feel bad or better, but if you have the choice to have a salad for lunch versus a big starchy meal, I bet you’ll feel better getting back to work after eating the salad.
  5. Minimize – Do you work out of 4 notebooks? Have some to-dos in your agenda and others on a post it note and more on a note in your phone? Minimize where you’re working from. Here’s how I’ve minimized my note taking, planning, etc.
      • Work Flow Notes & To-Do’s: I’ve gone to working out of my favorite work notebook, The Thimblepress Daydreamer, for all my work notes and work to-do’s. I usually end up with a weekly to-do page and daily task pages and then either a column or a page for the blog. I keep this notebook out and accessible throughout my day so anytime anything comes up I can easily jot it down and all those things are in one place. Versus on post-its and all over random places.
      • Monthy, Weekly & Daily Planning: I’m definitely a visual person so for my agenda, I have to have something I can write in and look at. I use the Sweet Caroline Designs agenda and have loved it. I plan out big events in the monthly calendar. Trips, meetings, occasions, etc. Then on my weekly and daily sections I plan out my overall to-do’s for the week. Where I’m working, meetings, workouts, blog shoots, other commitments, overall to-dos and errands. Grocery store runs, target returns, ship poshmark reminders all go here. I also have a section where I log my bills for the month and mark them off as they get paid.
      • On The Go Reminders & Notes: Obviously no one wants to tote two big books around with them everywhere so I do log other things in my phone. I have a note for random to-do reminders. If I’m running out to the post office, pick something up from the Knoxville store, grab more coffee from the grocery, etc. Sometimes I’ll put that list in a note in my phone so that I don’t forget anything. There’s nothing worse than getting your errands done only to remember you forgot something! I also have an ongoing note for My Kind of Lovely and for Pearls & Twirls for me to jot things down when I have a random thought, something inspires me, etc.

5 Ways To be More Productive

**Also, please don’t read this and think I have it all together. I most definitely do not. Ha! But I do strive to stay somewhat organized (it keeps me sane) and am really working to become my most productive self so that I can maximize my working time and enjoy my time off and my “me time”. And I want that for you too! I want Pearls & Twirls to become a place with tips and tricks that help you become the best version of yourself as I’m trying to do the same! So, I want to hear from you! Do you have any productivity tips?! I’m all ears! Always excited to hear what others do to be more productive!