5 Tips To Get You Out of a Rut

5 Tips To Get Out of a Rut

A rut. We’ve all been there. Most of us numerous times in numerous situations. Sometimes we’re in a work rut, an eating rut, a working out rut, a relationship rut, a closet rut, I could literally go on all day. And honestly sometimes I feel like when I get out of one, I’m in another! Ugh! So today I’m sharing 5 of my best tips to get out of those ruts. I know I can use these reminders pretty regularly so I hope one or two of them help you get out of something you’re in right now!

5 Tips To Get Out Of A Rut


I’ll be the first to admit that when I’m in a blogging rut the first thing I do is go to blogs for inspiration. And while, yes sometimes I leave inspired, a lot of times I feel overwhelmed and sometimes even a little defeated if I was already feeling down. I almost always get so many blog ideas when I’m just out and about. When I’m not working, when I’m not scrolling instagram, when I’m out actually living.

Give Yourself a Little Grace

I will 100% admit I work myself too hard. Which always leads to burnout. You’d think I would realize this and stop doing it. But, here we are. Sometimes I just have to stop being so tough on myself and say, “it’s ok you didn’t get it all done today, go freaking home and don’t get your computer back out!” Take a night off, give yourself a break, eat the cookie, whatever you need, sometimes you just need to chill.

Do Something Out of Your Comfort Zone

I’ll tell you I was 100% in a rut when I decided to join the Faster Way To Fat Loss. I felt so blah, no food sounded good to me because I had been eating so badly, I didn’t want to move my body because I hadn’t been in so long but this program totally pushed me outside of my comfort zone and I feel like a new person! Try a new workout, a new hairstyle, buy a dress in a color you wouldn’t normally wear. It doesn’t have to be something huge, but if you’re in a rut where you could try out something new, sometimes that’s all you need is that little push and a wave of inspiration will come over you!

Spend Some Time With Y-O-U

This one may just be the introvert in me, but sometimes I just need a little alone time to get me feeling a little more like me. Even if it’s just a mindless Target stroll or a long walk with Romeo sometimes my brain just needs a little break from all the things.

Grab A Coffee With Someone Who Inspires You

These photos were taken in Chicago by my sweet blog friend Lacey from The Glitter Gospel. And she inspires me on the daily. Our Chicago trip was a little bit of a whirlwind but I’m so glad I got to spend time with her, chat all things blogging and business with her and even just be real about life with her. Regardless of what industry you’re in always having a friend who you can be real with is seriously one of the best things. She shoots it straight, inspires me and cheers me on. Oh and that reminds me, I need to schedule a coffee date with her! 😉

5 Tips To Get Out of a Rut

5 Tips To Get Out of a Rut

5 Tips To Get Out of a Rut

5 Tips To Get Out of a Rut

5 Tips To Get Out of a Rut

5 Tips To Get Out of a Rut

Dress: Identical from Free People | Shoes: Steve Madden | Jacket: Identical from Nordstrom | Backpack: Vera Bradley | Necklace: My Kind of Lovely